Executive & Personal Coaching

Ramaa is an executive coach with substanial leadership and coaching experience. She has been providing formal executive coaching for over 6 years to mid and senior level managers as well as people in transition from a wide range of industries. Trained at Ashridge Hult, a leading business institute for coaching Ramaa has gained expert knowledge and skills from a world renowned coaching faculty.

In addition, Ramaa also has certificates in Team Coaching, Action Learning facilitation and Relationship Pyschotherapy. She uses team coaching approaches for the sessions she delivers for Leaders on the Oxford University’s Reuters programmes. Ramaa is also a member of the faculty at the Reuters Institute.

Ramaa’s decision to train as a coach came from experiencing the life changing benefits of coaching.  
Whilst some clients are interested in her advice and experience, Ramaa’s approach is to focus on helping her clients find their own voice and agency to make decisions that are right for them.  

Ramaa is regularly approached to support with:

  • Leading in highly pressured environments 
  • Leading change, how to bring people along with your vision
  • Influencing and persuading managers 
  • Producing compelling presentations and business cases
  • Being your authentic self
  • Work life ‘balance’ -setting priorities that matter to you
  • Managing stress and/or recovering from burnout
  • Transitioning from corporate life to self employment
  • Transitioning back into work from maternity/paternity leave
  • Transitioning into or out of new roles/jobs/organisations

Coaching testimonials:

“Coaching with Ramaa has been an invaluable experience she’s a great listener, really calm and has a great way of helping you get to the real issues and then enabling you to come up with great strategies and solutions to deal with the problems. She helps to give you confidence in your ability and to realise your self worth. If you are thinking of starting a business or doing something new with your career I would suggest you book yourself a session with Ramaa now to realise your full potential and get the most out of your life!”

                                                                                                    Natalie Beavis, Creative Director Design by Vine.

Click here to enquire about coaching with Ramaa